
Intake Upload

This page is specifically for individuals who have been asked to upload necessary documents for their neuropsychological assessment.

Document Upload for Neuropsychological Assessment

Kindly upload the following details to our secure cloud partner here.

This is a secure, private folder (double-key encrypted at rest) to upload details about a patient who you wish to refer to PsyAsia Neuropsychology for Neuropsychological Assessment. Please be reminded that we do not offer either Paediatric or Medico-legal assessments at the current time.

Kindly upload pdf or word files with as much detail as possible in relation to:

  • Patient background/history.
  • Patient current medical status.
  • Results of investigations such as brain scans (MRI, CT, PET, EEG), blood tests etc.
  • Current reports where available from: physiotherapist, psychologist, neurologist, family doctor etc.
  • Any previous neuropsychological assessment report.
  • Sex, age and handedness of the patient.
  • The referral question (i.e., why do you want an assessment and what are you asking the neuropsychologist to provide/diagnose).
  • If possible, we advise blackening out the patient’s name for privacy purposes. Name your files with the patient’s initials and a file number, and once uploaded, contact us to inform us you have completed the upload and to advise the initials used.

The information will assist us in letting you know if we can do the assessment for you, how long it will take, and the cost involved. The information will be destroyed within 1 month if you do not go ahead with an assessment by that time.

Meet our Clinical Neuropsychologist

If you have one or two simple questions, feel free to message us using our chat icon to the bottom right of the page. Kindly book other meetings and consults below.

Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist

Your online meeting will be with Clinical Neuropsychologist, Dr Graham Tyler. Dr Tyler is a Registered Psychologist in Hong Kong (HKPS) and Australia (AHPRA) and is a Chartered Psychologist and full member of the British Psychological Society's Division of Neuropsychology.