To explore the barriers preventing pioglitazone use in stroke survivors and primary and secondary stroke care services.

A qualitative grounded theory approached design was used to assess post-stroke diabetes treatments and to assess clinical applicability of pioglitazone as a preventive treatment to minimize its side effects (SEs) associated. Three focus groups were established with 48 participants from Scotland and Wales health board centers during January 2019 to July 2022.

A qualitative grounded theory approached design was used to assess post-stroke diabetes treatments and to assess clinical applicability of pioglitazone as a preventive treatment to minimize its SEs associated. Three focus groups were established with 48 participants from Scotland and Wales health board centers during January 2019 to July 2022.

These strategies might allow greater treatment adherence by stroke survivors and increased confidence of the health care professionals in their practice. The findings suggest that further research will be needed to facilitate wider usage of pioglitazone in treating people with stroke and health education is necessitate when using diabetes drugs post-stroke.

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This post is Copyright: Azhari, H., Hewitt, J., Smith, A., ONeill, M., Quinn, T., Dawson, J. | January 9, 2024
Neurosciences Journal current issue