Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Ahead of Print. BackgroundUpper limb proprioceptive impairments are common after stroke and affect daily function. Recent work has shown that stroke survivors have difficulty using visual information to improve proprioception. It is unclear how eye movements are impacted to guide action of the arm after stroke. Here, we aimed to understand how upper limb proprioceptive impairments impact eye movements in individuals with stroke.MethodsControl (N = 20) and stroke participants (N = 20) performed a proprioceptive matching task with upper limb and eye movements. A KINARM exoskeleton with eye tracking was used to assess limb and eye kinematics. The upper limb was passively moved by the robot and participants matched the location with either an arm or eye movement. Accuracy was measured as the difference between passive robot movement location and active limb matching (Hand-End Point Error) or active eye movement matching (Eye-End Point Error).ResultsWe found that individuals with stroke had significantly larger Hand (2.1×) and Eye-End Point (1.5×) Errors compared to controls. Further, we found that proprioceptive errors of the hand and eye were highly correlated in stroke participants (r = .67, P = .001), a relationship not observed for controls.ConclusionsEye movement accuracy declined as a function of proprioceptive impairment of the more-affected limb, which was used as a proprioceptive reference. The inability to use proprioceptive information of the arm to coordinate eye movements suggests that disordered proprioception impacts integration of sensory information across different modalities. These results have important implications for how vision is used to actively guide limb movement during rehabilitation.

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This post is Copyright: Duncan T. Tulimieri | October 15, 2024
SAGE Publications Inc STM: Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair: Table of Contents