This study aims to demonstrate that children and adolescents diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who exhibit autism traits have a more severe clinical profile in terms of emotion regulation, clinical features related to ADHD, and functionality, compared to those diagnosed with ADHD without these traits. 50 patients with and 64 patients without autism traits between the ages of 8–16 were recruited for the study among the children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD. The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version, DSM-5-2016-Turkish Adaptation (K-SADS-PL-DSM-5-T) was used to exclude the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and detect comorbid psychiatric diagnosis. The Social Reciprocity Scale (SRS) was completed by parents to determine groups based on autism traits. Children completed the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) and the Affective Reactivity Index (ARI). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Affective Reactivity Index-Parent Report (ARI-P) and Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale-Parent Report (WFIRS-P) were completed by the parents. We found that the group with autism traits had significantly more hyperactivity/inattention, conduct problems, emotional problems, and peer problems and significantly more irritability and frequent separation anxiety disorder. Although there was no significant impairment in functionality in either group, the level of impairment was significantly higher in the group with autism traits. Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder who exhibit autism traits experience higher levels of irritability and separation anxiety disorder, as well as greater impairment in functionality, compared to those without these traits.
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This post is Copyright: Buket Kılıç,
Sadriye E. Ç. Kültür | January 8, 2025
Wiley: Journal of Neuropsychology: Table of Contents