The aim of this research was to analyse the reliability and validity of the Computerised Battery for Neuropsychological Evaluation of Children (BENCI) in a Cuban population of children and adolescents. The study involved 1714 Cuban students between the ages of 6 and 18 who were divided into three groups according to their level of education (Elementary: 6–11 years old; High School: 12–14 years old; and Pre-University: 15–18 years old). All participants were evaluated using the BENCI with some also undergoing additional neuropsychological testing. The BENCI evaluates the following cognitive domains: processing speed, visuomotor coordination, attention, memory, language, and executive functions. The results showed that the BENCI has good test–retest reliability indices and high internal consistency values in Reasoning, Reaction Time, and Working Memory. In terms of validity, the data revealed significant correlations between the BENCI tests and other neuropsychological tests assessing similar cognitive functions. The BENCI also has discriminative validity, as it was found that performance on the tests varies according to the level of education of those being evaluated. In terms of construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fit indices for the executive functions dimension of the BENCI are adequate. The data show that the BENCI is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing neurodevelopment in Cuban children and adolescents. Since this is the first neuropsychological test of its kind to be validated in the Cuban population, this finding is of particular importance.
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This post is Copyright: María Nieves Pérez‐Marfil,
Manuel Fernández‐Alcántara,
Elena Navarro,
Xiomara García‐Navarro,
Francisco Cruz‐Quintana | February 18, 2025
Wiley: Journal of Neuropsychology: Table of Contents