A follow up investigation of placental pathology, responsive parenting, and preschool children’s executive functioning and language development

Volume 30, Issue 5, July 2024, Page 684-701. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at Neuro.vip. This post is Copyright: Sahar Borairi Begum Ozdemir Jennifer Jenkins Prakesh S. Shah...

The relationship between mean length of utterance (MLU), Persian developmental sentence score (PDSS), and photographic expressive Persian grammar test (PEGT) in typically developing children and those with developmental language disorder (DLD)

Volume 14, Issue 1, January-March 2025, Page 46-54. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at Neuro.vip. This post is Copyright: Nasrin Shahouzaei Toktam Maleki Shahmahmood Fatemeh...