Executive function (EF) is represented by a multidimensional set of measures. The central EFs considered are inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility (task shifting). Unlike other ability constructs, it has proven difficult to identify latent factors that underlie EF. Research has often taken a factor analytic approach for grouping executive functioning tasks. However, this approach has often proven unsuccessful. We aimed to compare factor analysis to a network analytic approach, as network analysis can summarize the pattern of relationships among elements without creating latent constructs. One hundred and thirteen undergraduate students completed a series of nine executive functioning tasks. In comparing exploratory factor analysis to network analysis, we found neither approach provided a compelling higher order grouping of EF measures.

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This post is Copyright: Jordan Holmén,
William Chaplin,
Tamara Del Vecchio | January 31, 2024
Wiley: Journal of Neuropsychology: Table of Contents