Validation of the Mobile Toolbox Faces and Names associative memory test is presented. Ninety-two participants self-administered Faces and Names in-person; 956 self-administered Faces and Names remotely but took convergent measures in person; and 123 self-administered Faces and Names remotely twice, 14 days apart. Internal consistency (.76–.79) and test–retest reliability (ICC = .73) were acceptable. Convergent validity with WMS-IV Verbal Paired Associates was satisfactory (immediate .54; delayed .58). The findings suggest the remotely administered Faces and Names is a reliable instrument.

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This post is Copyright: Dorene M. Rentz,
Jerry Slotkin,
Aaron J. Kaat,
Stephanie Ruth Young,
Elizabeth M. Dworak,
Yusuke Shono,
Hubert Adam,
Cindy J. Nowinski,
Sarah Pila,
Miriam A. Novack,
Zahra Hosseinian,
Saki Amagai,
Maria Varela Diaz,
Anyelo Almonte‐Correa,
Keith Alperin,
Monica R. Camacho,
Bernard Landavazo,
Rachel L. Nosheny,
Michael W. Weiner,
Richard C. Gershon | September 18, 2024
Wiley: Journal of Neuropsychology: Table of Contents