In this episode, Dr. Scott Sperling and student leader, Dr. Lisa Cruz, discuss the article The association of sociodemographic factors with total and item-level semantic fluency metrics with the paper’s first author, Magdalena Beran, and senior author Dr. Jet Vonk. In this study, explored the association between sociodemographic factors (e.g., age, sex, level of education) and semantic fluency metrics (e.g., number of words, average cluster size, number of cluster switches, lexical/Zipf frequency, age of acquisition, and lexical decision response time). Analyses utilized data from 3 cross-sectional cohorts, totaling 2,391 individuals. Overall, results indicated that semantic fluency metrics are associated with effects of age, education, and sex/gender which can help to inform the generalizability of semantic fluency data. 

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This post is Copyright: Scott Sperling | December 3, 2024
Meet the Authors: A Neuropsychology Podcast