Background and Purpose
Dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced (DSC) MR perfusion is a valuable technique for distinguishing brain tumors. Diagnostic potential of measurable parameters derived from preload leakage-corrected-DSC-MRI remains somewhat underexplored. This study aimed to evaluate these parameters for differentiating primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL), glioblastoma, and metastasis.
Thirty-nine patients with pathologically proven PCNSL (n = 14), glioblastoma (n = 14), and metastasis (n = 11) were analyzed. Five DSC parameters—relative CBV (rCBV), percentage of signal recovery (PSR), downward slope (DS), upward slope (US), and first-pass slope ratio—were derived from tumor-enhancing areas. Diagnostic performance was assessed using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis.
RCBV was higher in metastasis (4.58; interquartile range [IQR]: 2.54) and glioblastoma (3.98; IQR: 1.87), compared with PCNSL (1.46; IQR: 0.29; p = .00006 for both). rCBV better distinguished metastasis and glioblastoma from PCNSL, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.97 and 0.99, respectively.
PSR was higher in PCNSL (88.11; IQR: 21.21) than metastases (58.30; IQR: 22.28; p = .0002), while glioblastoma (74.54; IQR: 21.23) presented almost significant trend-level differences compared to the others (p≈.05). AUCs were 0.79 (PCNSL vs. glioblastoma), 0.91 (PCNSL vs. metastasis), and 0.78 (glioblastoma vs. metastasis).
DS and US parameters were statistically significant between glioblastoma (−109.92; IQR: 152.71 and 59.06; IQR: 52.87) and PCNSL (−47.36; IQR: 44.30 and 21.68; IQR: 16.85), presenting AUCs of 0.86 and 0.87.
Metastasis and glioblastoma can be better differentiated from PCNSL through rCBV. PSR demonstrated higher differential performance compared to the other parameters and seemed useful, allowing a proper distinction among all, particularly between metastasis and glioblastoma, where rCBV failed. Finally, DS and US were only helpful in differentiating glioblastoma from PCNSL.
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This post is Copyright: Vasco Sousa Abreu,
João Tarrio,
José Silva,
Francisco Almeida,
Catarina Pinto,
Davide Freitas,
João Pedro Filipe | March 11, 2024
Wiley: Journal of Neuroimaging: Table of Contents