The era of modern medicine is often linked to the first clinical application of penicillin in 1943.1 How far we have come in 80 years where we can now identify and measure concentrations of biomarkers in body fluids equivalent to a few crystals of sugar dissolved in an Olympic swimming pool. In their JNNP paper, Wieske et al describe how recently developed Olink technology directly identifies divergent changes in expressed proteins in the serum of patients with worsening or improving chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy (CIDP) and they propose these might be explored as biomarkers for disease activity2 . They may have inadvertently stumbled on changes that might help the understanding of CIDP pathogenesis? Biomarkers are currently the object of clinical academic interest. Highly sensitive analytical platforms such as Simoa and Ella analyse known molecules at sub pg/mL levels singly or in small multiplexes. Mass spectrometry…
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This post is Copyright: Lunn, M. P. | June 17, 2024