To investigate the clinical and genetic features in a cohort of Chinese families with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).

The clinical information of 21 patients with NF1 in 10 families was retrospectively analyzed. To broaden the genetic spectrum of NF1, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis was performed first, followed by the whole-exome sequencing, in order to identify pathogenic or potentially pathogenic variants of NF1 gene in 10 unrelated Chinese families.

Nine different NF1 variants were identified in all 10 families. Of these, 7 were known pathogenic variants and included the exon 1 deletion, exons 1-58 deletion, c.5401C>T (p.Q1801*), c.2291-2A>C, c.484C>T (p.Q162*), c.4922G>A (p.W1641*) and c.1019_1020del (p.S340Cfs*25). The 2 novel variants were c.5197T>C (p.S1733P) and c.783_797delinsC (p.K261Nfs*25). The p.S1733P variant was classified as a variant of uncertain significance, while p.K261Nfs*25 was classified as pathogenic. Hence, the positive detection rate of NF1 variants was 100% (10/10). While the truncating variants were responsible for 60.0% (6/10) of the cases, the splicing variant was responsible for 10% (1/10) of the cases.

We identified 2 novel heterozygous variants (c.5197T>C and c.783_797delinsC) in the NF1 gene, which broadens the genetic spectrum of the NF1 gene.

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This post is Copyright: Chen, S., Cheng, H., Zhao, G. | July 9, 2024
Neurosciences Journal current issue