Dissociable spatial topography of cortical atrophy in early‐onset and late‐onset Alzheimer’s disease: A head‐to‐head comparison of the LEADS and ADNI cohorts

Abstract INTRODUCTION Early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD and LOAD, respectively) have distinct clinical manifestations, with prior work based on small samples suggesting unique patterns of neurodegeneration. The current study performed a...

Response to the letter titled reply to “Associations of semaglutide with first‐time diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in patients with type 2 diabetes: Target trial emulation using nationwide real‐world data in the US”

Alzheimer’s &Dementia, Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2025. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at Neuro.vip. This post is Copyright: Rong Xu | February 14, 2025...