Increased intraindividual variability in reaction time performance is associated with emerging cognitive decline in cognitively unimpaired adults.

Neuropsychology, Vol 38(2), Feb 2024, 184-197; doi:10.1037/neu0000928Objective: To investigate whether intraindividual variability (IIV) in reaction time (RT) over monthly administered cognitive tasks is increased in cognitively unimpaired older adults who are at risk...

The Cognitive Awareness Scale for Basic and Instrumental activities of daily living to measure self-awareness after acquired brain injury: Preliminary evidence of its validity

Volume 38, Issue 5, July 2024, Page 1133-1155. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at This post is Copyright: Daniel Salazar-Frías María Rodríguez-Bailón Giorgia...