Pediatric cognitive reserve moderates the effect of brain structure in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Evidence for an optimized residual approach.

Neuropsychology, Vol 39(1), Jan 2025, 1-15; doi:10.1037/neu0000978Objective: To validate a residual-based cognitive reserve (CR) index optimized for a pediatric sample with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: Participants were N = 115 children...

Translation and validation of the abbreviated Prefrontal Symptoms Inventory (PSI‐20): A tool for assessing prefrontal symptoms in English‐speaking populations

Abstract This study introduces the translation and validation of the Prefrontal Symptoms Inventory (PSI) into English, aiming to provide an ecologically valid tool for assessing prefrontal symptoms in English-speaking populations in the United States. The prefrontal...