Application of the CNS vital signs test and WISC-IV in the cognitive assessment of Chinese pediatric patients with intra-cranial space occupying lesion

Volume 13, Issue 3, July-September 2024, Page 229-238. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at This post is Copyright: Wen-Jian Zheng Xue-Yi Guan Kai-Yu Fan Jian Gong...

Searching the underlying mechanisms of specific learning disorder: An emotion recognition and social cognition aspect for Turkish clinical youth population

Volume 13, Issue 3, July-September 2024, Page 239-245. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at This post is Copyright: Remzi Ogulcan Ciray Serkan Turan a Mardin State...