Executive functions abilities in preschool-age children are negatively related to parental EF, screen-time and positively related to home literacy environment: an EEG study

Volume 30, Issue 5, July 2024, Page 738-759. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at Neuro.vip. This post is Copyright: Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus Jenny Fotang Lior Niv Alan Apter John...

Associations between social adversity, caregiver psychological factors, and language outcomes in 9.5-year-old children born to women with opioid use disorder

Volume 30, Issue 5, July 2024, Page 722-737. If you do not see content above, kindly GO TO SOURCE. Not all publishers encode content in a way that enables republishing at Neuro.vip. This post is Copyright: Jayne Newbury Monika Sargayoos Samudragupta Bora Jaqueline...