Online Neuropsychological Assessment

Online neuropsychological assessment and consulting services by CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST.

What is Clinical Neuropsychology?

Clinical Neuropsychology is at the crossroads between the disciplines of Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science. The field focuses on understanding the relationships between brain and behavior, particularly as these relationships can be applied to the diagnosis of brain disorders, assessment of cognitive and behavioral functioning, and the use of effective rehabilitation and compensatory interventions.

What does a Clinical Neuropsychologist do?

A clinical neuropsychologist is a professional trained in psychological assessment and intervention that enables assessment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of brain disorders. They work alongside medical teams, particularly within neurology and neurosurgery, but may also support local family doctors and rehabilitation therapists. Clinical Neuropsychologists must undergo extensive post-graduate training (Masters/PhD) following an undergraduate degree in Psychology and must additionally undergo at least 2 years of supervised clinical practice prior to being able to practice independently. They are also required to undertake continuous professional development to ensure they remain up to date in the field.

Online Neuropsychological Assessment

Concerned about memory issues? Finding it more difficult to make decisions? Slow cognitive recovery from COVID? Unsure whether you can go back to work following stroke or TBI?

Get in touch with us and we will let you know if we can help with screening, assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation.

We work with self-referring patients, as well as medical doctors and allied health referring their patients for online neuropsychological assessment. We do not currently engage in Medico-Legal Neuropsychology Assessments.

If you are in Hong Kong, we also offer clinic-based services for those able to book sufficiently in advance.

Online Clinical Neuropsychology Assessment & Rehabilitation Services

These are our current online neuropsychological assessment areas undertaken by our Clinical Neuropsychologist based in Hong Kong. Assessments used and insights gained will vary depending on method of assessment and referral question. The Clinical Neuropsychologist will advise you of what can be expected prior to your neuropsychological assessment.

Memory & Learning Neuropsychological Assessment

People often approach us concerned about what they perceive to be changes in their memory or their ability to learn new information. We run neuropsychological assessments of memory to evaluate whether these changes are age-appropriate or an indication of a memory disorder which needs addressing.

Cognitive Capacity & Decision-making Neuropsychological Assessment

These assessments are undertaken sensitively by our clinical neuropsychologists with the aim of evaluating whether the patient has the cognitive capacity to make important decisions for themselves. This may involve financial, medical, or safety decisions.

Our Capacity Assessments consist of a clinical interview and neuropsychological assessment. The final report is discussed both with the referrer and the patient (where able) or their family.

Mild Cognitive Impairment Neuropsychological Assessment

As we age, we may notice that we don’t do things as well or as fast as we did previously. Perhaps we find it more difficult to pay attention, to remember things, or to make decisions. Maybe we can’t find the words we want to say, or we find it more difficult to follow a story on TV. Some of these are perfectly normal ageing, whilst others are not expected to occur.

Our Neuropsychologist will run a series of neuropsychological assessments and compare your performance with those from a similar background to yourself. With this, and our clinical interview, we can better understand any issues you may be facing. In some cases, further investigation will be recommended; in others, we are able to tell patients there is nothing to worry about.

Neuropsychological Assessment can be repeated at a later date if necessary and compared with the previous screen to assess for any deterioration over time.

Neuropsychological Assessment of Alcohol-related Brain Impairment

Neuropsychological assessment of alcohol-related brain impairment can be used to assess the effects of long-term alcohol consumption on intellectual functioning, academic performance, executive functioning, and social functioning.

The neuropsychological assessment of alcohol-related brain impairment involves a comprehensive assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and psychological functioning. Commonly used tests can measure intellectual abilities; memory and learning; executive functioning; attention and concentration; language; visuospatial abilities; perception; and motor abilities.

The goals of the neuropsychological assessment are to identify any deficits or problems caused by alcohol consumption, determine appropriate rehabilitation strategies, and help the patient develop coping strategies.

Neuropsychological assessment can also be used to determine a person’s prognosis following alcohol-related brain injury or illness, such as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (also known as Wernicke Encephalopathy or Alcoholic Encephalopathy).

Differential Diagnosis of Neurological, Neuropsychological and other Brain Deficits

The role of a neuropsychologist in the differential diagnosis of neurological deficits is to assess, diagnose, and rehabilitate disorders of the central nervous system, including conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and more.

Clinical Neuropsychologists use a variety of assessments and tests to identify neurological deficits, which may include attention, memory, motor, sensory, language, executive and emotional functioning. These assessments may include neuropsychological tests, brain imaging, and physical and neurological evaluations.

The results of these assessments are used to determine the source of the neurological deficits and to develop an individualised rehabilitation plan (where possible). Neuropsychologists may also provide social and emotional support to patients and families and can help coordinate resources and connect them to other medical professionals.

Post-COVID Neuropsychological Assessment ("Brain Fog")

Many of those who caught COVID-19 have complained of brain symptoms which they describe as “Brain Fog”. These tend to include performing more slowly than before, experiencing memory problems and changes in mood. The symptoms are reported as persistent and have an impact on the person’s ability to function at work and in personal relationships.

Our Post-COVID Neuropsychological Assessment by our Clinical Neuropsychologist helps to identify where you were cognitively prior to COVID and the extent to which the virus continues to impact you.

Your neuropsychologist will work with you (and your partner or colleague) to provide rehabilitation advice and exercises, as well as a sensible return-to-work plan if you are not yet back at work.

You may also decide after a period of time that you want to be reassessed to see how your cognitive rehabilitation has improved your brain function.

Return to Work Neuropsychological Assessment

For individuals who are recovering from acquired brain damage (e.g., stroke, traumatic brain injury, radio-therapy & chemo-therapy for brain tumours, brain surgery) we offer return to work neuropsychological assessments. These assist in answering the question as to whether now is the right time to go back to work. Reports offer guidance as to tasks that may be problematic as well as possible compensatory strategies. For those not ready for a return to work, we provide rehabilitation suggestions. It is well known that returning to work too soon after acquired brain injury can actually be detrimental to the recovery process. Our psychologists are able to establish where the individual is on the path to recovery and work with an employer to provide the best course of action.

Assessment of Cognitive Strengths and Weaknesses or General Intellectual Functionning

This is a more general neuropsychological assessment. Our tests help to determine where a person’s strengths and weaknesses are in an objective and statistically significant way. This may be useful for those considering different job roles, those who are recovering from a period of down-time for whatever reason, or those who want to improve their education.

Evidence-based neuropsychological rehabilitation

Following any neuropsychological assessment, we place great importance on evidence-based rehabilitation of any brain issues where possible. In situations where this is not possible, we help the patient and their family with compensatory strategies instead. Typically, we work with all involved to establish a plan for the rehabilitation. This way, the patient has goals to aim for, and the intervention can be evaluated on how well it works.

Neuropsychological Assessment Feedback Session

We offer a feedback service for individuals who have already had a neuropsychological assessment with a different provider where feedback was not included. Our neuropsychological assessment feedback service provides comprehensive feedback on the assessment results and how the results relate to the patient’s daily life, along with suggested rehabilitation or compensatory strategies where relevant.

Online Neuropsychological Assessment FAQs

What happens at a Neuropsychological Assessment?

Initially, you will have a chat with the Clinical Neuropsychologist to obtain detailed history of the presenting problem, as well as your background functioning. This is referred to as a clinical interview and typically lasts 45 minutes. You will then be asked to undertake assessments which tap into your cognitive skills such as attention, memory, speed of processing, language and executive functioning. These will be used alongside any brain imaging you have such as MRI, PET, CT, X-ray, EEG and your pharmacological/medical histories to assist your medical team in the differential diagnosis of brain disorders, or to rule them out.

Clinical Neuropsychologists are nice friendly people who enter this career because they like helping people, so there is no need to worry about your assessment. Simply remember to relax, have a good sleep and breakfast beforehand, and do your best. Feel free to ask questions at any stage.

What do I need for Online Neuropsychological Assessment?

You will need any reading glasses that you usually use, and should upload your brain imaging and other medical records mentioned above to our secure cloud server BEFORE your assessment. In order to undertake the online neuropsychological assessment, you will need:

  • A quiet environment (no children, construction noise or other distractions).
  • A fast, reliable computer.
  • Fast, reliable internet.
  • A webcam.
  • A helper (such as your partner or good friend) who will assist ONLY when asked to do so by the clinical neuropsychologist.
  • NOTE: If computers and related technology tends to fluster you, remote neuropsychological assessment is unlikely to be useful. If you are used to computers (basic skills such as keyboard and mouse use and following on-screen instructions), the remote assessment should be fine for you.

We usually test the setup with you the day prior to assessment.

Does PsyAsia Neuropsychology run Clinic-based Neuropsychological Assessments in Hong Kong?

Yes. However, please book well in advance. This is because our clinical neuropsychologist is often very booked up ahead of time and also because he offers service in other countries and is not always in Hong Kong. If you need urgent assessment and the clinical neuropsychologist is not currently in Hong Kong, we may be able to arrange an online neuropsychological screening.

What should I bring with me to the Clinic for Clinic-based Neuropsychological Assessment?

If you are coming to our neuropsychology clinic for face-to-face neuropsychological assessment, please bring reading glasses if you need them. Also bring warm clothing in case the air conditioning is too cold for you. Ensure you eat before coming, and arrive in good time so you don’t feel anxious or rushed. Be aware that you will probably spend 3-4 hours with your neuropsychologist! Please also bring any medical reportslist of current medications and results/actual scans of any brain imaging such as MRI, PET, CT, X-ray, EEG etc.

Is Online Neuropsychological Screening as useful as an in-person Neuropsychological Assessment?

Whether an in-person or remote neuropsychological assessment is needed depends on specific requirements which we will discuss with you, your carer, or your doctor during the intake appointment. An in-person assessment offers a comprehensive evaluation using various tools and accurately assesses neuropsychological statuses. Remote screening services can help rule out many conditions or confirm their presence, especially for less complex referral questions, such as concerns about memory or decision-making abilities. This can lead to a more detailed assessment or a visit to a neurologist if necessary. Our neuropsychologist is well trained and ethically bound to refer for clinic-based assessment where this is obviously needed prior to the assessment, or later where diagnosis is unclear as a result of possible remote assessment limitations.

(Note that during COVID lockdowns, the majority of Clinical Neuropsychology assessments were undertaken remotely)

What is the fee for a Neuropsychological Assessment?

The fee depends on which assessments we use, the report type required, and the referral question (the reason for the assessment). All patients will pay the Intake Appointment fee initially. During or very soon after this appointment, and assuming we are able to undertake the neuropsychological assessment for you, we will quote the fee for the entire assessment. Your Intake Appointment fee will be credited to your account (making it free) if you take up the full neuropsychological assessment recommended by the Clinical Neuropsychologist within 1 month. As a very rough guide, you can expect to pay in the region of US$1500-2000.

Does PsyAsia Neuropsychology accept insurance?

Unfortunately, no. Payment is accepted via bank transfer, or credit card (with processing fee).

Which Neuropsychological Assessments does PsyAsia Neuropsychology use to diagnose various disorders?

We don’t diagnose without an assessment, and we don’t advise which tests we will use without at least a full 45-minute clinical interview! 

Does PsyAsia Neuropsychology offer Forensic or Medico-legal Neuropsychology Services?

Not at the current time.

Does PsyAsia Neuropsychology offer Paediatric Neuropsychological Assessment?

Not at the current time.

Dr Graham Tyler
Hong Kong & Online

Dr Graham Tyler
Clinical Neuropsychologist


Australia-trained and Supervised

Dr Tyler undertook his clinical neuropsychology training in Australia and was supervised by senior neuropsychologists at a leading, culturally diverse, teaching hospital in New South Wales, as well as at Westmead Childrens Hospital.


Professional Registration

Dr Tyler holds professional registration as a Psychologist with AHPRA/Psychology Board of Australia, and with the Hong Kong Psychological Society. He is an Associate Fellow of the Hong Kong and British Psychological Societies and a Full Member of the BPS Division of Neuropsychology.



Dr Tyler is known for his ability to quickly establish rapport and place patients at ease, as well as his passion for making the results of the neuropsychological assessment meaningful to the patient in terms of understanding and cognitive rehabilitation.

Intake Appointment for Neuropsychological Assessment

For patients wishing to undergo online neuropsychological assessment or Hong Kong Clinic Assessment, the first step is to have an Intake Appointment. This is a 20-minute online meeting with the Clinical Neuropsychologist during which he will ask questions to better understand your needs and provide a plan and related fees. If you decide to proceed with the plan following the Intake Appointment, the cost of the Intake Appointment will be deducted from the Online Neuropsychological Assessment service fee. Intake Appointments are only for the reason noted above. Please book a Neuropsychologist Consult for all other needs.

Clinical Neuropsychologist Consults & Feedback Meetings

You may book an online clinical neuropsychologist consult if you wish to seek advice relating to brain functioning, cognitive impairment and assessment, dementia, decision-making capacity and so forth. If you or somebody you know has had a neuropsychological assessment elsewhere and feedback was not included, you may wish to make an appointment with our clinical neuropsychologist to receive comprehensive online feedback with rehabilitation advice where relevant.

Meet our Clinical Neuropsychologist

If you have one or two simple questions, feel free to message us using our chat icon to the bottom right of the page. Kindly book other meetings and consults below.

Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist

Your online meeting will be with Clinical Neuropsychologist, Dr Graham Tyler. Dr Tyler is a Registered Psychologist in Hong Kong (HKPS) and Australia (AHPRA) and is a Chartered Psychologist and full member of the British Psychological Society's Division of Neuropsychology.